

• Scientific name: Tabebuia spp
• Spanish: Ipe, Lapacho


Description of the wood

• Sapwood: Yellowish white.
• Heartwood: Dark brown with a very characteristic greenish tone.
• F1bra: Straight. often intertwined or highly intertwined.
• Grain: Thin to medium.


• Sapwood: Moderately impregnable
• Heartwood: Little impregnable


• Sawing: No more problems than its hardness. Detuned very quickly.
• Drying: Slow. Small risks of deformations and fendas.
• Planning: Dlficil due to its hardness and the high risk of repelling. It is advisable to carry out the mecan1zation very slowly.
• Gluing: Tannins hinder good adhesion.
• Nailing and screwing: Due to its hardness, it is advisable to make pre-drills.
• Finishing: Rubber tanks can reduce the adhesion of varnishes.


• Furniture and fine cabinetry of interior and exterior.
• Interior carpentry, doors, stairs, cladding, mouldings, skirting boards, friezes, parquet.
• Exterior carpentry, doors and windows.
• Carpentry of interior and exterior assembly.
• Decorative plates.

Mechanical properties

• Resistance to static flexion 1750 kg/cm2

• Elasticity module 200 000 kg/cm2

• Resistance to compression 890 kg/cm2


- Wood that is currently in high demand and the supply is scarce. There are several species that can replace it properly.